Episode 12 // Fiona Golfar: Soft Skills

November 27, 2019

I always thought I wasn’t defined by it. That’s a huge mistake to make because although I did have my own life I went on to find that I was very very defined. How could you not be defined by anything you do for 25 years? 

Fiona Golfar speaking to Unpaused founder Judy Stewart in London, June 2019 

When she was at British Vogue, Fiona Golfar, journalist and long-time editor-at-large she went deep into the private lives of women from all walks of life: in fact, you could say she is something of an ‘everywoman’ herself. ⁠The story of her dramatic pause, hard on the heels of a change in the editorial leadership at Vogue, and her comeback are detailed in this episode of Unpaused.



Fiona’s Bio

Fiona Golfar is a journalist, writer, producer and podcaster. Editor At Large at British Vogue for 25 years, she is now the cofounder of @theguineapigpodcast and contributing editor at @houseandgardenuk  Fiona also has a television series (Gold Dust Nation) currently in development which she is co-creating and producing.  

